Home > Solvents, Lubricants, Foam Sets & Heaters > Spray Foam Hose & System Flush Solvent

We believe we've created the very best spray foam hose solvent available anywhere, and it's only available here at SPF. SPF-5 is a spray foam hose cleaning solvent that works overnight to clean your ISO lines and break up internal buildup. It's an environmentally friendly, non-carcinogenic spray foam hose flush that replaces DOP, which has now been recognized as containing cancer-causing agents. Our product is welcomed in California.

SPF-8 BioGreen-Solv is another of our proprietary items and is another excellent spray foam solvent. It's also Earth-friendly and contains no ozone-depleting or global warming chemicals. It's used to melt cured Urethane Foam. SPF-8 is biodegradable, recyclable, non-flammable and ideal for replacing petroleum-based solvents. This item is cleared for use in European Union countries and is manufactured from renewable resources. Additional uses include paint removal from metal objects, use as a parts cleaner and as a solvent for removing grime and other residue from machinery.

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SPF-5 Hose and System Flush - Sold in 1 & 5 Gallon SPF-5 Hose and System Flush - Sold in 1 & 5 Gallon

Safest Hose Flush agent in the market. SPF-5 is more environmentally friendly than other brands to flush out your ISO lines and break up the internal ISO buildup. Simply fill the line, let it sit for 2 hours and repeat this cycle 3 more times. 1 Gallon is list but that is only for a Graco E10 most other machines will need 5 Gallons.1 gallon for transfer pump and line, 2 to 3 gallons for spray machine, and 1 gallon per 100 ft of a side hose.

Retail Price: $70.00

SPF Depots Direct Replacement for Graco CleanShot 256385 Direct Replacement for Graco CS Fluid

Available in Quart, 1 Gallon and 5 Gallon size

Retail Price: $79.20
