SPF Depot has your tubing and transfer lines for spray foam applications. We offer ⅜-inch nylon tube that can be used as Graco TSL bottle fluid lines, and it is available by the foot. While the nylon tube cannot be used with a barbed fitting, it works with the locking fitting for the spray gun. In addition to the Graco-specific line, we also have fluid transfer lines available in 6-foot, 8-foot, 10-foot, 12-foot and 14-foot increments. These transfer lines come with -inch NPT fittings for directly screwing into your Wye strainer and pump. The tubing is Teflon (polytetrafluoroethylene; PTFE), which is chemically inert and built as an SS braided hose. High-quality transfer lines for both spray guns and proportioners help ensure the product is flowing as it should from start to spray.